
Swimming goggles

Conventional swimming goggles are problematic in that they have single-use anti-fog coatings. Rubbing the inside or contact with moisture will make the coating fall off, causing it to lose the anti-fogging function. Vinegar-and-detergent mixes or anti-fogging liquids are used to combat this, but these require waiting and are short-lived, making them imperfect solutions.

Ray Materials anti-fog coating with non-organic material that does not melt in water, producing super-hydrophilic properties and maintaining anti-fogging functionality for as long as the goggles remain usable. It is also free from surfactants and harmful substances, making it safe to use.

Diver masks

Fogging in diver masks has always been an issue for divers. Long periods of diving will inevitably lead to fogging due to the temperature difference between the water and the body. Using various products to combat this only produces short-lived effects. Skilled divers momentarily remove and reequip their goggles while in the water to remove fogging, but this is clearly a highly inconvenient solution.

Ray Materials anti-fog coating can be applied to the glass and PC materials normally used for diver mask lenses. Non-water-soluble super-hydrophilic electric conductivity is used, making the coating wipeable, cleanable, and able to sustainably prevent fogging.

Ski goggles

A person whose body produces a lot of heat or sweat will often experience fogging in ski goggles. Ski goggles are generally used in the winter, and increased body temperature during skiing leads to fogging on the inside of goggles. People who wear glasses will experience this fogging much more often. Skiing involves high-speed movement, and impeded vision due to fogging can lead to collisions with other skiers or obstacles and subsequent injury.

Ray Materials anti-fog coating can be applied to solve this issue, and also makes it unnecessary to wipe the goggles or apply anti-fogging liquids.